
Austria Today

Austrian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Kickl's Controversial Stance on Taxes and Surveillance

Published: 2024-08-20

FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl has stirred political waters with his recent statements during the ORF-Sommergespräch.

Kickl, who is leading in polls ahead of the Nationalratswahl, firmly opposed new taxes and the surveillance of messenger services, citing concerns over privacy and government overreach.

He criticized the current government's economic policies, claiming they are driving businesses away and promised no new taxes if FPÖ leads the government.

Kickl also emphasized a need for a 'performance culture' and proposed limiting social benefits to Austrian citizens only.

His stance on migration remains strict, advocating for a temporary asylum policy and opposing the integration of non-EU workers.

The interview was marked by a tense exchange with the moderator, where Kickl accused the media of 'unclean journalism.

' Despite controversies, Kickl's FPÖ continues to gain traction, positioning itself as a formidable force in the upcoming elections.