Teen Caught Speeding at 90 km/h on E-Scooter

Published: 2024-08-23

In a startling incident in Brand-Nagelberg, Lower Austria, a 14-year-old boy was caught speeding on an e-scooter at a staggering 90 km/h.

The police noticed the teenager as he dangerously tailed a car on the L62 road, far exceeding the legal speed limit for e-scooters.

Upon pursuit, officers confirmed the scooter's speed and managed to stop the young rider.

A subsequent inspection revealed that the e-scooter had faulty brakes and lacked the necessary registration and licensing.

The boy, who did not have the required driving permit for the modified scooter, has been reported to the district authorities.

This incident highlights the growing trend of modifying e-scooters for high-speed travel, raising safety concerns.