Dornauer Steps Aside Amid Hunting Scandal

Published: 2024-11-13

Georg Dornauer, the leader of the Tyrolean SPÖ, has announced he will "step aside" from his roles as party chairman and deputy governor following a controversial hunting trip with René Benko.

The trip, which involved posing with a hunted deer, has sparked outrage among Austria's hunting community and political opposition.

Dornauer, who denies any wrongdoing, plans to hand over his deputy governor position to Philip Wohlgemuth by December 18. Despite his decision to step aside, opposition parties have filed a motion of no confidence against him, demanding his immediate resignation.

The situation has caused significant unrest within the SPÖ, with many members expecting Dornauer to fully resign.

The controversy continues to unfold as the Graz prosecutor's office investigates the legality of Dornauer's participation in the hunting event.