
Austria Today

Austrian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Dog Bite Leads to Strokes and Court Case

Published: 2024-08-05

A 38-year-old man has been sentenced to one year of probation after his unrestrained terrier mix bit a passerby in Vienna, leading to severe health complications.

The incident occurred on November 10, 2022, when the dog, known for previous biting incidents, attacked a 37-year-old man, causing a wound that later became infected.

This infection resulted in the victim suffering seven strokes, leaving him with lasting disabilities.

The dog's owner, who appeared in court in disheveled clothing, claimed he was unaware of the attack, stating he had given the dog to a friend during a dispute.

The court ruled that the owner was guilty of negligent bodily harm and ordered him to pay €18,480 in damages to the victim, who now relies on a walker for mobility.

The owner has also received a three-year ban on dog ownership.