
Austria Today

Austrian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Airpower 2024: Traffic Chaos Amidst Aviation Spectacle

Published: 2024-09-08

The Airpower 2024 airshow in Zeltweg, Steiermark, drew an impressive crowd of 250,000 over two days, despite facing significant traffic challenges.

The event, featuring 206 aircraft from over 20 nations, was a major attraction, especially on Saturday when sunny weather replaced Friday's rain.

However, the influx of visitors led to extensive traffic jams, particularly on the Murtalschnellstraße (S36) and surrounding roads.

Police implemented diversions and warned against illegal parking to manage the congestion.

Public transport, including trains and shuttle buses, was heavily utilized, though also affected by the traffic.

Despite these logistical hurdles, the airshow proceeded smoothly, showcasing highlights like the Spanish air force's display and a new Dreamliner.